That Switch Appeal

The Switch's appeal is that it plays games and games that people actually enjoy. They might not be the most current games but these games also aren't available in a portable form anywhere else.
Just look at the software attach rates of the Switch and how much software has already been sold. It's already miles passed where the Wii was and is rapidly approaching 3DS territory.
Nintendo will have a refresh of their major franchises in the next two or three years (Breath of the Wild 2, Metroid Prime 4, and so forth) with likely sequels to things like Super Mario Odyssey no brainers.
The Switch plays games like no other device can on the market currently and unless Microsoft or Sony decides to take on the Switch's main appeal (hybrid design) Nintendo won't have any meaningful competition to shrink their market size.
You like playing games on your Xbox or Playstation? Well a good number are also portable on the Switch along with a slew of software you can't get anywhere else.


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