We maybe Avatars in an illusion
We're all pretenders in this game of life. We all get to choose our part and our role. I ask people a very simple question. Who are you pretending to be? Happy or sad? Whole or unfulfilled? It's all the same. Think of life like a jrpg being played on your favorite console. We all have our rituals and roles that we play. All based on our beliefs. We get to choose our beliefs, and from those beliefs we determine who we are mentally, physically, and energetically. What we experience, who we love, all fall under the spell of our beliefs. The beautiful part is that we have the power to change those beliefs, and ultimately who we are and what we experience. It's all under our power. Many are unaware, asleep. Just like the movie the Matrix. It gets good when we awaken, and then awaken as the observers, and finally see that we've simply been pretending all along. Pretending happiness or sadness, peace or brokenness, fulfillment or wholeness. Certainly there are many practices that we can utilize to reach this awakened state quicker, but the practice is just the means to the end. The end of needless suffering and unhappiness and depression and desperation and disease.
パーカー アミン
パーカー アミン
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