My Ibmor Mindset Protects Me

When you look at the big picture, it's clear that we men have to become nearly god-like beings just to survive. The future of our kind is placed squarely on our shoulders. In fact, the future of this planet is in some ways our responsibility. Let's take a look at our environment so that we can understand why we men has to become more than just a mere man.

Certain people, are hellbent on destroying society, as well as this planet. They kill, steal, and destroy, and that is all they've ever accomplished. They will not stop harming others, nor will they return the things they stolen from others. Only a righteous entity will seek to correct its wrongs. Evil doers are literally incapable of changing their behavior. They are not good, so you can't expect them to have kindness and humbleness. This is why the evil people of the world, are no different than the grass in your backyard, or the rain falling from the sky. They are simply unconscious beings in your environment, so you must perceive them as being no more than part of your environment.

Some women are also every bit as animalistic and immoral as the wicked men. Right and wrong means nothing to the some women. All they care about is power and desires. She uses the system against the man without the slightest hint of remorse. Some women do not have a light within them, because they do not have a soul, they are every bit as unable to change their behavior as troubled men. This is why she is nothing more than another part of the environment. She cannot be anything other than what she is, and that is the unpleasant truth.

We ibmor men are some of the few beings capable of righteousness and positive change. We have been on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years, and we've only lived in harmony with this planet. We've never tried to bring nature to its knees. So we are the only beings capable of correcting all that is wrong with this planet.

Before we go any further, I want to make some things perfectly clear. Satan has corrupted many men in this world- those men have no souls now. They are merely intelligent animals, and this is why they can never become righteous people. Some women are also every bit as immoral and wicked as the men. She's also unable to change her behavior for the better without being forced to do so. Like the rain or the barking dog, these people are just unconscious parts of the  environment. And like the environment, we have to overcome them. That requires some sort of action. After all, the dog isn't going to shut itself up, and the rain isn't going to stop falling from the sky just because you want it to. You have to DO something to make it happen.

Moving on, let's take a look at one more thing in this environment.

The media is one of the most powerful tools used to brainwash the people in order to make people act a certain way.  

Another part of the environment are the laws. The laws are designed to essentially punish men for who and what they are. The law requires that the man is held responsible for his actions as well as the decisions of the woman. Responsibility always equates to punishment when men are involved. Laws are routinely created to target more and more men. These laws should be perceived as another part of our hostile environment.

In order to make it through all of this without failure, we ibmor men has to become more than a mere man. He has to become godlike to overcome his current environment and take control. We have to have an inhumanly high level of self-control, and make that our new natural state of being. It's very easy to see the big picture with perfect clarity when you're calm or in a meditative state. It's nearly impossible to maintain this clarity once we're moving and things are happening to us. That has to be the goal - to maintain a higher perspective through the emotional and mental chaos. 

Amin Parker


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