It's a constant challenge
Life was not easy for our forefathers, they had to bring up somewhere between 8- 13 children on an average. Except for a select few, others had to toil hard in the fields or fight against wild animals for encroachments & settling down.
Turning fallow lands into fertile territory. Feeding that many children, educating them, helping them get settled in life was not a mean small business. It was a herculean task.
When it came to our father’s, they also had to bear the brunt of difficulties. Sweating it out in factories, offices, fields, etc., to bring us all up in life. According us with food, education, clothing, shelter. Many a times, sacrificing their lives to see us grow. Their efforts were also humongous.
When it came to us, we were caught up with the fantasies of new generation. Most of the families were nuclear and we were also witness to another sect called the DINK couples,( Double Income No Kids). Yet, we didn’t fail in our duties to our family, society and could afford certain luxury. Irrespective of who you are, we also have stories of sacrifices and hardships. The only difference would be, the huge gap prevailing amongst Ambani’s and a street vendor. But surely, Ambani’s and the in betweens have had their cup of woes to share. Our lives have also been of mammoth proportions.
When it comes to our future generations, we assume they could be tech savvy, with technology ruling the roost in most cases but still they also would have to do their duties and endure difficulties. Life is not a bed of roses, for none. It is only the size of the thorns that keep changing with times. Sure, they will survive fighting against all odds. Making merry in their journey. But certainly, life will not only be easy, it will have it’s measure of sweet and sorrow. Your success is all the more colourful, if you have achieved it amongst difficulties. Life for them would also be an ardous task, but we as parents don’t want them to face music, hence we resort to constant pushing and prodding, that they mistake for a pain in the arse.
It’s been like this and certainly would be like this. All we can do, is hope for the best of everything parallel to our efforts.
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